About Us & Our Mission
We collaborate with passionate entrepreneurs and business owners to drive sustainable business success with peace-of-mind, paperless office solutions and support far beyond the numbers.
A note from Carla
“You didn’t decide to work for yourself because you are passionate about financial processes and paperwork. Most small business owners have a passion or a dream, a skill and vision for what they want to do and for the life they want to lead.
97% of businesses in New Zealand are small businesses. They are at the heart of New Zealand’s economy. At Sound Choice, we care deeply about your passion, your knowledge and your time. We put this into the equation in helping you create a business where success is sustainable.
You are the most valuable asset in your business. We understand that sustainable business success doesn’t happen by accident or just because someone had a good idea. It is important to get your numbers and systems right, in order to free up your time and headspace for the creative side of your business, and that you make financial decisions with confidence and clarity.
Our philosophy is that building a successful business is all about people and surrounding yourself with the resources you need to achieve your goals. Doing what brings you joy will drive your success, will give you courage for the next steps and will carry you through the rough patches.
Small business owners can feel bogged down or isolated or both, doing everything themselves or, even worse, becoming a slave to their business. Is this you? Is this how you want to be in your business? If not, Carla Jehle and her team are your supportive partners when it comes to numbers and your business systems. We support you to do what you love doing and live your best life.
Join the growing community of New Zealand business owners who recognise that working collaboratively with others frees up their time, makes their business more adaptable and promotes their core values. Let us do the behind the scenes work and keep up with the fast-changing technology of paperless office, record keeping, accounting, payroll, job management systems etc, to help you successfully run a profitable and sustainable business, regardless of size and turnover. ‘Energy flows where focus goes.’ Turn your business into what what it is meant to be, for your customers, your community and yourself.
Our vision is a world where small business is profitable, sustainable and rewarding for mission-driven, collaborative, passionate people, who care about WHO they serve.
At Sound Choice, we know what it takes to successfully run a profitable and sustainable small business, because we choose to do it for ourselves, too.”